BNY Mellon Investment Portfolios, Small Cap Stock Index Portfolio

    Why invest in this Fund?

    The fund seeks to match the performance of the Standard & Poor's SmallCap 600 Index.

    To pursue this goal, the fund invests in a representative sample of stocks included in the S&P SmallCap 600 Index, and in futures whose performance is related to the index, rather than attempt to replicate the index.

    The fund attempts to have a correlation between its performance and that of the index of at least .95, before expenses. A correlation of 1.00 would mean that the fund and the index were perfectly correlated.

    The fund's portfolio investments are selected by a 'sampling' process based on market capitalization, industry representation and other means. Sampling is a statistical process used to select stocks so that the portfolio has investment characteristics that closely approximate those of the index. The fund expects to invest in approximately 500 or more of the stocks in the S&P SmallCap 600 Index. However, at times, the fund may be fully invested in all the stocks that comprise the index. Under these circumstances, the fund maintains approximately the same weighting for each stock as the index does.

    Min. Class Investment
    Class Inception Date
    Fund Assets
    $585,139,741  As of  09/13/24
    Class Assets
    $585,139,741  As of  09/13/24
    Portfolio Turnover Rate
    38.37% As of fiscal year end  12/31/23
    Morningstar Category
    Small Blend
    S&P SmallCap 600® Index
    Morningstar Overall Rating
    Fund Holdings
    606 As of 08/31/24

    Morningstar Rating™ as of August 31, 2024 for the Service Shares class shares; other classes may have different performance characteristics. Overall rating for the Small Blend category. Fund ratings are out of 5 Stars: Overall 3 Stars (569 funds rated); 3 Yrs. 2 Stars (569 funds rated); 5 Yrs. 3 Stars (542 funds rated); 10 Yrs. 3 Stars (387 funds rated).

    Portfolio Managers

    • David  France

      David France, CFA

      Portfolio Manager, Mellon Investments Corporation

      Managing Fund Since 2020

      Joined Firm in 2009

      Joined Industry in 1995

    • Todd Frysinger

      Todd Frysinger, CFA

      Portfolio Manager, Mellon Investments Corporation

      Managing Fund Since 2020

      Joined Firm in 2000

      Joined Industry in 1996

    • Vlasta Sheremeta

      Vlasta Sheremeta, CFA

      Portfolio Manager, Mellon Investments Corporation

      Managing Fund Since 2020

      Joined Firm in 2010

      Joined Industry in 2010

    • Michael  Stoll

      Michael Stoll

      Portfolio Manager, Mellon Investments Corporation

      Managing Fund Since 2020

      Joined Firm in 2005

      Joined Industry in 2005

    • Marlene  Walker Smith

      Marlene Walker Smith

      Portfolio Manager, Mellon Investments Corporation

      Managing Fund Since 2020

      Joined Firm in 1995

      Joined Industry in 1990

    Fees & Expenses

    Variable insurance products have additional fees, charges and expenses. Please consult the applicable variable contract prospectus for more detailed information.

    Portfolio Manager/Sub-Investment Adviser

    The fund's investment adviser is BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc. (BNYM Investment Adviser). David France, CFA, Todd Frysinger, CFA, Vlasta Sheremeta, CFA, Michael Stoll and Marlene Walker Smith are the fund's primary portfolio managers, positions they have held since October 2020. Messrs. France, Frysinger and Stoll and Ms. Sheremeta are each a vice president and senior portfolio manager at Mellon Investments Corporation (Mellon), an affiliate of BNYM Investment Adviser. Ms. Walker Smith is a director and head of equity index portfolio management at Mellon. Messrs. France, Frysinger, Stoll and Mses. Sheremeta and Walker Smith also are employees of BNYM Investment Adviser.

    Top Holdings

    As of 08/31/24

    Asset Allocation

        Main Risks

        An investment in the fund is not a bank deposit. It is not insured or guaranteed by the FDIC or any other government agency. It is not a complete investment program.
        While stocks have historically been a leading choice of long-term investors, they do fluctuate in price. The value of your investment in the fund will go up and down, which means that you could lose money.
        Compared to larger, more established companies, smaller companies are subject to more erratic market movements and carry additional risks because their earnings tend to be less predictable and their stocks less liquid and more volatile.
        The fund does not attempt to manage market volatility, use defensive strategies or reduce the effects of any long-term periods of poor stock performance.
        Please refer to the prospectus for a more complete discussion of the fund's main risks.

        Risk Metrics

        As of  08/31/24  3-Year Trailing Standard Deviation Alpha Beta R-Squared Sharpe Ratio
        22.07 -6.13 1.02 67.27 0.04

        All risk metrics are provided by Morningstar. The index used in the calculations are determined by Morningstar which may not be the funds primary benchmark. The index Morningstar used for this analysis is S&P 500® Index.


        Factsheet, Prospectus and Reports

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