
BNY Advisors


About us

Our mission is to leverage BNY Mellon’s strengths as a leading asset management, wealth management and investment servicing firm to bring Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) and advisory solutions to institutional investors worldwide.


billion assets

under management
or advisement1

1As of June 30, 2024. This includes regulatory assets under management of approximately $20.4 billion, which are managed on a discretionary basis; approximately $7.8 billion, which is managed by certain BNY Mellon Advisors, Inc. (BNY Advisors) employees in their capacity as dual officers of BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc. and The Bank of New York Mellon; and approximately $145.3 billion managed on a non-discretionary basis where advisory services are provided to BNY Mellon, N.A. and accounts for which BNY Advisors provides a model of securities but does not arrange or effect the purchase or sale of the securities. For more information on the services provided for each category of management, please see BNY Advisors’ most recent ADV Part 2A.



2Includes employees of BNY Investments who provide support to BNY Advisors.


years providing investment solutions3

3OCIO services date back to 1985 via predecessor firms.


We serve endowments, foundations, retirement plans, family offices, governments and financial intermediaries.


OCIO (discretionary) / OIO (non-discretionary)
Customized Portfolio Management


Portfolio design
Asset allocation
Manager research/selection
Performance/risk analysis
Trust and custody facilitation

Our Process


Collaborate with an investor to understand and validate their investment goals, preferences and constraints


Design a solution consistent with the investment profile established during the consulting phase


Implement the solution in accordance with the parameters and guidelines agreed upon during the design phase

/ Monitor

Conduct periodic performance & risk monitoring of an executed solution and share analysis with an investor


Provide infrastructure to support the operational and governance needs of an investor


Our scale and expertise makes all the difference

The team of investment professionals has expertise across multiple areas including asset allocation and portfolio construction. By bringing together our existing capabilities into a single unit, we’re able to support our clients’ unique investment needs with greater precision.


We build portfolios that seek to minimize the dispersion of investment performance around a desired outcome.


Our research and perspectives

We periodically publish research and perspectives on a range of topics, including governance, capital markets, asset allocation, portfolio implementation, client segment-specific issues and industry best practices. Below are some recent examples.

Alternative Investments 2024: Unlocking Potential

In an environment where investors face uncertainty from many directions, we explore how alternatives can help steady the path of the 60/40 portfolio and eight cyclical and secular themes shaping the non-traditional investment landscape.

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Operational Due Diligence: Expect the Unexpected

Learn how our extensive, proprietary Operational Due Diligence process is designed to help mitigate the potential strategic, reputational, financial, legal, regulatory, and fund structure risks associated with investment advisors.

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Diversity & Inclusion in Investment Management

Diversity and Inclusion within the field of investment management is a subject of increasing importance. BNY Mellon Investor Solutions strives to be a leader in advocating for Diverse-Owned Investment Management firms. This paper makes observations on the level of demographic disparity in the industry, explores areas that could serve as reasons behind the deviation and explains the framework Investor Solutions has in place to identify Diverse-Owned Investment Managers.

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Robust by Design: A New Approach to Strategic Asset Allocation

Two keys to a portfolio design process that can fulfill multiple, competing objectives are an adaptable research philosophy and a flexible technology platform. In this paper, Keith R. Collier, CFA, Director of Asset Allocation Research, explains the evolution of the BNY Mellon Investor Solutions approach to strategic asset allocation (SAA) – from the artisanal to the systematic – and how that journey led to the development of a unique robust SAA methodology that can stand the test of time

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2024 Capital Market Assumptions: The Path to Normalization

The 2024 edition of our 10-Year Capital Market Assumptions (CMAs) offers our projections for asset class returns, volatilities and correlations over the next decade. This yearly exercise helps in shaping the design of our investors’ long-term portfolios.

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Alternative Investments 2023: Alter Your Trajectory

The economic cycle has returned, and institutional investors face many cyclical and secular challenges. In this paper, we explore eight themes changing the course of the 60/40 portfolio.

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Is It Time to Consider an OCIO?

Explore the move toward the Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) model among retirement plans, nonprofits and family offices. We discuss the tasks an OCIO can take on, and the potential benefits of the model. We provide criteria to consider when weighing a consulting model versus an OCIO model, and present evaluation factors for choosing the right provider.

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many directions, we explore how alternatives can help steady the path of the 60/40 portfolio and eight cyclical and...

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Contact Us

If you would like to learn more about BNY Mellon Advisors, please send us an email and we will respond shortly.

All investments involve risk, including the possible loss of principal. Certain investments involve greater or unique risks that should be considered along with the objectives, fees, and expenses before investing.

This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any particular security, strategy or investment product. Please consult a legal, tax or investment advisor in order to determine whether an investment product or service is appropriate for a particular situation.

BNY Mellon Investment Management is one of the world’s leading investment management organizations, encompassing BNY Mellon’s affiliated investment management firms and global distribution companies. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and may also be used as a generic term to reference the corporation as a whole or its various subsidiaries generally.

BNY Mellon Advisors, Inc. is an investment adviser registered as such with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. BNY Mellon Advisors, Inc. is a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. BNY Mellon Advisors, Inc. business is described in Form ADV, Part 1 and 2, which can be obtained from the website or obtained upon request.
