Master Class


Pillars of Investing

A new, 4 part program structured for Continuing Education credit and allows you to dive into the how and why various asset classes and strategies should be considered for clients' portfolios in 2022.

Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a mutual fund carefully before investing. Download a prospectus, or summary prospectus if available, that contains this and other information about the fund, and read it carefully before investing.

All investments involve risk including loss of principal. Bonds are subject to interest rate, credit, liquidity, call and market risks, to varying degrees. Generally, all other factors being equal, bond prices are inversely related to interest-rate changes and rate increases can cause price declines. The amount of public information available about municipal securities is generally less than that for corporate equities or bonds. Legislative changes, state and local economic and business developments, may adversely affect the yield and/or value of municipal securities. Other factors include the general conditions of the municipal securities market, the size of the particular offering, maturity of the obligation, and the rating of the issue. Income for national municipal funds may be subject to state and local taxes. Income may be subject to state and local taxes for out-of-state residents. Some income may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax for certain investors. Capital gains, if any, are taxable. Commodities contain heightened risk including market, political, regulatory, and natural conditions, and may not be suitable for all investors. Currencies are can decline in value relative to a local currency, or, in the case of hedged positions, the local currency will decline relative to the currency being hedged. These risks may increase fund volatility. Equities are subject to market, market sector, market liquidity, issuer, and investment style risks to varying degrees. There is no guarantee that dividend-paying companies will continue to pay, or increase, their dividend. Investing in foreign denominated and/or domiciled securities involves special risks, including changes in currency exchange rates, political, economic, and social instability, limited company information, differing auditing and legal standards, and less market liquidity. These risks generally are greater with emerging market countries. Certain investments involve greater or unique risks that should be considered along with the objectives, fees, and expenses before investing. High yield bonds involve increased credit and liquidity risk than higher rated bonds and are considered speculative in terms of the issuer’s ability to pay interest and repay principal on a timely basis. Socially responsible portfolios may forego opportunities to invest in other securities when advantageous, or may sell securities when disadvantageous for it to do so while pursuing its socially responsible criteria. Asset allocation and diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss. Mortgage-Backed Securities-Ginnie Maes and other securities backed by the full faith and credit of the United States are guaranteed only as to the timely payment of interest and principal when held to maturity. The market prices for such securities are not guaranteed and will fluctuate. Privately issued mortgage related securities also are subject to credit risks associated with the underlying mortgage properties. These securities may be more volatile and less liquid than more traditional, government backed debt securities. The use of derivatives involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in the underlying assets. Derivatives can be highly volatile, illiquid, and difficult to value and there is the risk that changes in the value of a derivative held by the portfolio will not correlate with the underlying instruments or the portfolio's other investments. Small and midsized company stocks tend to be more volatile and less liquid than larger company stocks as these companies are less established and have more volatile earnings histories. Asset allocation and diversification cannot assure a profit or protect against loss. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

BNY Mellon Investment Management is one of the world’s leading investment management organizations, encompassing BNY Mellon’s affiliated investment management firms and global distribution companies. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation and may also be used as a generic term to reference the corporation as a whole or its various subsidiaries generally.

Mellon Investments Corporation (Mellon) is a global multi-specialist investment manager dedicated to serving our clients with a full spectrum of research-driven solutions. Mellon is a registered investment adviser and an indirect subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

Investment advisory services in North America are provided through two different investment advisers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), using the brand Insight Investment: Insight North America LLC (INA) and Insight Investment International Limited (IIIL). The North American investment advisers are associated with other global investment managers that also (individually and collectively) use the corporate brand Insight Investment and may be referred to as “Insight” or “Insight Investment.”

Newton and/or the Newton Investment Management brand refers to the following group of affiliated companies: Newton Investment Management Limited, Newton Investment Management (North America) Limited (NIMNA Ltd) and Newton Investment Management (North America) LLC (NIMNA LLC). NIMNA LLC personnel are supervised persons of NIMNA Ltd and NIMNA LLC does not provide investment advice, all of which is conducted by NIMNA Ltd. NIMNA LLC and NIMNA Ltd are the only Newton companies authorized to offer services in the U.S.

This material is not intended as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, and it is not provided as a sales or advertising communication and does not constitute investment advice. BNY Mellon Securities Corporation, a registered broker-dealer, FINRA member and wholly owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon, has entered into agreements to offer securities in the U.S. on behalf of certain BNY Mellon Investment Management firms.

This material has been distributed for informational purposes only. Views expressed are those of the author(s)/manager(s)/advisor(s) stated and do not reflect views of other managers or the firm overall. Views are current as of the date of this publication and subject to change. Charts are provided for illustrative purposes and are not indicative of the past or future performance of any BNY Mellon. This information should not be construed as investment advice or recommendations for any particular investment. Please consult a legal, tax or investment advisor in order to determine whether an investment product or service is appropriate for a particular situation. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission. BNY Mellon Investment Adviser, Inc., Mellon, Insight, Newton Investment Management, and BNY Mellon Securties Corporation. are subsidiaries of BNY Mellon.
